Bible Studies
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Grounded in Hope

Lisa Brenninkmeyer
December 16, 2018

Dear friend,

I think so many of us are working overtime to hold it all together for ourselves and our families. We desperately want to be enough, and wonder if we are. All the while, we have our own needs to tend to, and all too often, they are put on the back burner.

My newest Bible study, Grounded in Hope, comes out in January, and I've written this study for the women I know who are ready to let go of the “try hard” life and figure out how to run this marathon with grit and grace. These are the women who want to know Christ in a deeper way and are ready to grow. It's based on the book of Hebrews which contains some of my favorite passages in the whole Bible. It was a privilege to write it for you.

Hebrews contains some of the most beautiful passages you'll find in Scripture. It will comfort you and challenge you. Every word of it has a treasure to mine, and those who are willing to make the effort will be richly rewarded.

Never have I been more convinced of the importance of women being grounded in hope. There is much in the world that discourages us, but frankly, there are just as many things within our families that wreck our hearts. Most of us are doing the best we can to love, serve, and take care of the people close to us, but heartache and despair still steal in through a crack in the door. I don't know about you, but I can get pretty tired from the effort to hold things together.

Hebrews reminds us that it isn't all up to us. Yes, we have our part to play, but ultimately, God has got a grip on those things that feel out of control. I know this, you know this, but this study of Hebrews will give us a bigger view of God that will help us believe it. Hope springs up when we see that all the threads are being woven together by the master artist. We are not disintegrating. We are being built.

We need to be grounded in truth as well. Our postmodern culture works like carbon monoxide; we don't notice that we're breathing it in, yet it's slowly but surely killing us.

We all look at life through a certain lens. This is our “worldview”- the lens through which we see the world. It's the set of assumptions that we hold, consciously or subconsciously. Depending on the glasses that we are wearing, we're going to have a very distinct way of approaching the big questions of life. Currently, one of the most pervasive worldviews is postmodernism. Because this is such a popular worldview right now, seeing life through this lens is appealing, acceptable, and won't cause you to stand out.

What are the distinctives of the postmodern worldview? These are some of its main aspects:

  • God (if he or she exists) is ignored. God has nothing relevant to say about my life.
  • There is no such thing as absolute truth; there is only your truth and my truth.
  • Emotions and gut instinct take center stage: “I know” has been replaced by “I feel”
  • Strong emphasis on individuality.
  • Tolerance is one of the pillars of postmodernism.
  • There's no great narrative - no overarching story that makes sense of humanity's struggle.

An alternative lens is the Christian worldview. The same issues and questions come into play, but the answers are very different. The Christian perspective says:

  • God exists, loves us, and can be known. He is the supreme reality and exists eternally.
  • Absolute truth exists and is essential for the soul.
  • When freedom is uncoupled from truth, tyranny results.
  • Emphasis on community - we need one another.
  • Says there IS a great narrative. There is an overarching story that makes sense of our struggle.
  • Christianity offers an explanation of how things are, how they came to be, and how the world's story will be completed.

Here's the problem. Just because a certain worldview is the most pervasive way at looking at things today - just because these lenses look good to the general public- doesn't mean that we are seeing things as they really are. And if we get it wrong on these main issues, we get the whole thing wrong. We get what matters most, wrong.

We need to put on the oxygen mask of God's Word to keep our head straight in the midst of total confusion. We need to know our story. When the postmodern culture tells us that “there is no grand narrative.” something in us should make us pause and say, “No. That's not right. There IS a narrative that actually makes sense out of all the crazy things that go on in our world. There IS a story - there IS an eternal plan.” And we have a key role to play in this epic tale, if we are willing.

So let's dive into this rich and dense book in the new year and see what God has to say. We will not be disappointed.

Grateful to be running beside you,

Founder and chief purpose officer
Walking with Purpose


Lisa Brenninkmeyer

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