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Lisa Brenninkmeyer

Speaking info

Lisa Brenninkmeyer is an author and speaker who would love to share her heart with women of any age at your conference or event. Speaking on topics from finding joy and overcoming anxiety to saving your marriage, Lisa will provide engaging, authentic, Catholic content to help make your next event a success. 

Lisa is the founder and CEO of Walking with Purpose. A convert to Catholicism, she wrote her first Bible study in 2002 out of a desire to see women come to know Christ personally. In 2008, WWP became a fully independent non-profit organization with 501c(3) status and a mission of enabling women to know Christ personally through Scripture. Today, more than 70,000 women and girls participate in WWP each year.

Lisa has been recognized by the Catholic Leadership Institute as a National Catholic Leader and was a presenter at the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders. She has presented the unique model of WWP at national conferences throughout the country, and has been a guest on a number of radio, television, and podcast shows as well.

Lisa holds a bachelor's in psychology from St. Olaf College and is pursuing her master’s degree in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She and her husband Leo have seven children and five grandchildren and reside in St. Augustine, Florida.

About Lisa

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Speaking Topics

Ordering Your 

Another glass of wine, just one more episode on Netflix, a little more scrolling on Instagram... Women are numbing out at ever-increasing rates. 


Why? What is it about our lives that makes us feel so overwhelmed? What might change if we figured out how to build lives that we like? This talk explores how we can put the most important things first. We begin by paying attention to the One who made us, because He can best tell us what we need for our lives to run well.

Shining a Light in the Darkness

God has promised us that light shines in darkness, and that darkness will never overcome it. This means that we can live triumphantly even when...


shadows fall on our hearts, families, and communities. This talk explores how we can win the battle in our minds, stand firm in the face of struggle, and live out of our true identity in Christ.

Discovering Good Despite Anxiety

Recent research shows that almost 40% of Americans are more anxious now than they were at this time last year. 


Anxiety affects 1 in 8 children in the US and 18% of adults. If you don't personally struggle with it, then someone close to you does. Is it possible to find good in this current state of reality without sticking your head in the sand? This talk equips us to discuss anxiety, face it, and move forward. When God promised His people a peace that passes understanding, He didn't say, “unless you live in 21st century America.” This is a profound issue and the questions surrounding it aren't easily answered. But together, we can move forward to a place of emotional rest and spiritual security.

Brave and Beloved

This talk is tailor made for women who fear losing control, being rejected, experiencing suffering, and stepping out in obedience to God. 


Our circumstances will differ, but underneath our fears are very similar questions. This talk draws on the riches of St. Ignatius’ Discernment of Spirits, the Israelites’ fears of entering into the Promised Land (Numbers 13), the example of the Blessed Mother, and Lisa’s own story. Through this teaching, women will be reminded of how beloved they are, of God’s present help, and the truth that they can be brave in the scared.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Want a healthy and happy relationship? This talk unravels the truth from the lies about marriage, setting you up for success before you say I do.


• Getting married will fix what's broken in my heart.
• It doesn't matter if he/she shares my faith if he/she is a good person.
• You should wait to settle down.
• My porn use won't damage my marriage.
• Dating apps are a good way to find a life-partner.
• Living together before getting married is a good way to see how compatible you are.

All these lies are countered with the truth that comes from God's perspective on healthy relationships.
Intended audience: young adult.

A Battle Plan for Ministry and Motherhood

You do not need to choose between ministry and motherhood, but embracing those dual calls requires a game plan. 


The season before motherhood is the ideal time to prepare. Learn what you can do now and the right choices to make later to make disciples in and outside your home.
Intended audience: young adult.

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