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Interviews with Lisa

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Lisa Brenninkmeyer details how Walking with Purpose satisfies women's longing for connection in community on Catholic Faith Network (CFN) Live. WATCH

Matthew Kelly interviews Lisa Brenninkmeyer as she discusses why she wrote Walking with Purpose. WATCH

Lisa Brenninkmeyer talks about helping parishioners establish a living relationship with the Lord in the Eucharist. WATCH

Jack Krasula interviews Lisa Brenninkmeyer on Anything is Possible where she shares how Scripture has sustained her during her life. LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer discusses why Scripture is so important to the heart of a woman on Latte and Laundry podcast. LISTEN

Al Kresta interviews with Lisa Brenninkmeyer on How to Love and Lead People to Jesus. LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer interviews Fr. John Riccardo, Walking with Purpose chaplain and executive director of ACTS XXIX, about his book Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel. The interview was broadcast live for WWP parish program coordinators, allowing them to hear directly from Fr. Riccardo and to be encouraged by his words. WATCH

Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR and president of Franciscan University, interviews Lisa Brenninkmeyer about what it means to be people of hope and how that's possible in today's world. WATCH

Lisa Brenninkmeyer talks about the importance of rest and the joy that comes when we lean back in the Lord, on the Blessed Is She podcast LISTEN

Crystalina Evert, host of the EWTN radio show Women Made New, interviews WWP Founder Lisa Brenninkmeyer about implementing Biblical teachings into everyday life LISTEN

WWP Founder and Chief Purpose Officer Lisa Brenninkmeyer discusses what it means to be a Catholic wife on "Women Made New," an EWTN miniseries LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer talks with podcast host Lisa Hendey about building the WWP ministry and developing a personal relationship with Christ LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer interviewed on Blessed Is She podcast about WWP's most personal and transformative Bible study, Fearless and Free LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer on Abiding Together podcast: Abiding with Christ in the midst of balancing busy family life and work LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer discusses "How to Live Fearless" on Made to Magnify podcast LISTEN

Lisa Brenninkmeyer talks about "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" on The Catholic Feminist podcast LISTEN


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