Bible Studies
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Practical Living
We all have so much to balance - family, marriage, motherhood, home, career. These stories share ideas and life hacks to help you set priorities on your most hectic days, have fun, and live a life of satisfaction and abundance.
Why Be Intentional About How to Go Forward When There's No Going Back

July 31, 2017

Hello, my friend!
Today I'm welcoming one of my favorite people to the WWP blog: Laura Phelps. One of my favorite things about Laura is the way she makes me laugh. She also shares my love for Jesus and women, and I know you'll enjoy her writing. [...]

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Where You Can Turn When You Need to Feel Emotionally Safe

May 26, 2016

It had all started out like a Norman Rockwell painting. We had just moved into a new neighborhood, and after living on a busy street for years, we were so grateful to be able to head out the door and take an evening walk. Charlotte was a new baby, [...]

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God is Calling: Will You Step Out?

January 7, 2019

There's a lot to be said for playing it safe. It's predictable, comfortable, and doesn't cause ripple effects. It gives us the impression that we aren't hurting anyone. We're neither hot, nor cold-we're coasting in neutral. But playing it safe can also leave us stuck in situations that are stifling for our souls and deadening to our hearts. [...]

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Show Up and Be All There

October 1, 2015

This October feels good. I feel awake and full of hope even while I'm a little bit afraid to breathe in my own house. Let me elaborate.
As many of you know, I have seven kids. Since most of them change their clothes about three times a day, [...]

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When a Nap Isn't Enough- Ask God for Guidance

July 1, 2015

Some days, everything just seems a little bit out of kilter. My three-year-old, Charlotte, had one of those days this week. We just COULD NOT GET IT RIGHT. The pink cereal bowl seemed like a good choice until the milk and cereal were in it, and then it became an offensive object because it wasn't purple. [...]

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Show Others God is Real by Suffering Well

June 1, 2015

Is there someone in your life who you long to see experiencing the more that a relationship with Christ brings? Do you find you lack the right words to articulate just how much your faith means to you, and wish that you could communicate it in a way that really has impact? [...]

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Out of Kilter? Try to Gain Perspective

April 1, 2015

You know how it goes. Sometimes you reach that point where you think you cannot possibly handle one more little thing going wrong or you will lose your mind, and then that one more thing happens.
So it's been a little bit busy over here at Casa Brenninkmeyer. [...]

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God is Faithful: Don't Be Weighed By Worry

March 1, 2015

As I carried the overflowing laundry basket up the stairs, it occurred to me that its weight felt nothing like the heaviness that was sitting on my heart. I had been reading about world news this morning, and article after article brought me to prayer. ISIS, [...]

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Remain in Christ the Anchor

January 1, 2015

2015 is here! I love turning to a new calendar page, using fresh notebooks with no markings, and looking ahead to limitless possibilities in the coming months. But the minute that someone suggests I make a New Year's resolution, I start to feel adrift. I become increasingly aware of all the things I am barely getting done as it is. [...]

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Overcoming Weaknesses When the Best You've Got Isn't Enough

September 1, 2014

It has come to this. My two-year-old, Charlotte, ate cookies for lunch. We have officially limped over the finish line of one of the longest summers in history, and that was the best I could do today. Summer break began on May 23rd, and the start of the new school year has been long in coming, [...]

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