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Practical Living
We all have so much to balance - family, marriage, motherhood, home, career. These stories share ideas and life hacks to help you set priorities on your most hectic days, have fun, and live a life of satisfaction and abundance.
The Wrestling - The Battle in Your Mind and Will

May 13, 2018

It happened without my even noticing it; this inner voice that would remind me over and over again about all the things that weren't right in my life. All the things that were wrong with me. And all the things that I would never become. I never even took a moment to ponder when this all began, [...]

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The Gift of Sisterhood, the Blessing in your Brokenness, and the chicken bone in my car.

April 22, 2018

Five years ago I had breakfast with a fallen away Catholic, a lukewarm Catholic, and an evangelical Protestant.  (Sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn't it?) I was the cradle Catholic who had just met Jesus Christ personally, and was longing for a community where I could share this new zeal for my faith, [...]

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Sacred Space and Solitude

April 8, 2018

The best gift I have ever received is a pair of noise cancelling headphones. At the same time, I love my family with every fiber in my being, and am anxious to know all the details of their lives-what they are afraid of, dreaming about, and busy doing. [...]

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Celebrating Easter Monday with all those Marys

April 2, 2018

I always found it to be a little ridiculous that my mother gave all three of her daughters the same middle name, or a variation of it: Mary.  We are Kathleen Mary, Lisa Marie, and Laura Mary. With so many names to choose from, [...]

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Facing my own poverty and responding like the dogs. Lent is getting good.

February 28, 2018

We were living on Carmine Street in New York City's West Village, just between Bleeker and Sixth Avenue, when our first baby was born. It was an incredible spot, a real diamond in the rough, that spilled out into a private courtyard surrounded by brownstone buildings, [...]

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Invisible Fences For Those Who Wander

February 1, 2018

Hello, my friend!
Today I'm welcoming back one of my favorite people to the WWP blog: Laura Phelps. One of my favorite things about Laura is the way she makes me laugh. She also shares my love for Jesus and women, and I know you'll enjoy her writing. [...]

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Starting the New Year Like Mary, the Holy Mother of God

January 1, 2018

“As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:4
It's surprising to find myself struggling to find the right words when it comes to writing about Mary. Not because I have no words, but because I have too many. [...]

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Borrow This Saint Squad When you Need Backup for Your Teenage Driver

October 31, 2017

Hello, my friend!
Today I'm welcoming back one of my favorite people to the WWP blog: Laura Phelps. One of my favorite things about Laura is the way she makes me laugh. She also shares my love for Jesus and women, and I know you'll enjoy her writing. [...]

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Necessary Hardships

October 9, 2017

There is such grace in getting older. Such wisdom in perspective.  When I was younger, I viewed problems as obstacles; unfair circumstances that got in the way of my living the life I believed I desired and deserved. And maybe it is not so much my age, [...]

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“May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.”

September 30, 2017

“May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.”
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
I've noticed something interesting about what gets me on and what gets me off of social media. Boredom gets me on, and I can lose track of time as I scroll mindlessly. [...]

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