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Community and Relationships
God's Word is full of inspiration that can guide you on the path to developing deeper and more meaningful relationships with your husband, children, and friend—all of which helps you build your community on a foundation of God's love.
The Beauty of Longing

September 9, 2018

The Walking with Purpose Blogging Team is excited to mix things up this week! We introduce to you the fabulous Maria Koshute, a blogger we discovered over at The Young Catholic Woman (TYCW). We immediately fell in love with her wisdom and insight, as she encourages us all to acknowledge our seasons of longing as more than “void space.” Thank you, [...]

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Beloved in the Wilderness

August 26, 2018

I know that some of you may be tired of talking about all of this, but I for one need to sit in this pain a little bit longer. Feel free to join me.
I read in a recent Fox News article, “The Vatican responded Thursday to the report of hundreds of Pennsylvania priests abusing children, [...]

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Kick-Start Real Change

August 19, 2018

Are you tired of your list of good intentions that never translate to action? How many times have you made a resolution (and really meant it) only to fail within a few short weeks?
We've all been there. It isn't that we aren't aware of the ways we need to improve…but actually making the changes can be overwhelming. [...]

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Brokenhearted over Abuse Scandal

August 16, 2018

My heart has been so heavy.
What started as a normal day was sideswiped by news that was not new, but nevertheless dredged up feelings of deep sadness. When the latest New York Times article broke chronicling sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, I don't think any of us were surprised that more has come to light and that it is still an issue. [...]

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What is BLAZE?

July 29, 2018

At the end of my first year of BLAZE, I turned to my darling group of middle school girls and asked them what they had learned.
One girl responded and said, “In BLAZE I learned that God loves us no matter what; that no matter what we do, [...]

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Introducing Blaze!

July 22, 2018

In her book Yes Please, author Amy Poehler wrote something that really stuck with me. She said that early on, she determined that her currency was not going to be her looks- it would be her sense of humor. What did she mean by currency? [...]

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Continuing the Fight for our Freedom

July 1, 2018

I am heading to the White House to celebrate the 4th of July. For real. Our son, Jonny, is performing there and is bringing me along-my flight and hotel included in the deal. A confession-when we first got the news (along with a request for our social security numbers), [...]

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The Gift of Sisterhood, the Blessing in your Brokenness, and the chicken bone in my car.

April 22, 2018

Five years ago I had breakfast with a fallen away Catholic, a lukewarm Catholic, and an evangelical Protestant.  (Sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn't it?) I was the cradle Catholic who had just met Jesus Christ personally, and was longing for a community where I could share this new zeal for my faith, [...]

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The Good News of Relationship, and the Sad News of Our Missing It

April 15, 2018

Young people are leaving the church in droves.
According to a 2014 Pew Research Center study, “Between 2007 and 2014, the Christian share [of the U.S. population] fell from 78.4% to 70.6%, driven mainly by declines among mainline Protestants and Catholics.”(1)
Moreover, according to this study, [...]

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Express Gratitude Because It's Good to Be Alive

November 14, 2017

Isn't it strange that we need to be reminded to be grateful- we who live in the most privileged of circumstances? Most of us are wealthy by the world's standards. Do you make $35,000 a year? Then you are in the top 4 percent of wealth in the world. [...]

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