Bible Studies
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Community and Relationships
God's Word is full of inspiration that can guide you on the path to developing deeper and more meaningful relationships with your husband, children, and friend—all of which helps you build your community on a foundation of God's love.
Create Communities That Extend a Hand

August 1, 2015

Can I just say what a relief it is to be sending my kids back to school for their second year instead of their first in a new town? The feeling of walking into a group where everyone knows each other and you know no one is so unsettling. [...]

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Calling Out Destiny: Recognizing our Children's Gifts and Talents

May 1, 2015

Something pretty remarkable is going on around dinner tables, in car trips to soccer practices, and beside little one's beds. A generation of children is being raised to make their mark on the world-to make a difference in their place in history.
'We are in a unique position to call out the destiny of our children. [...]

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How to Find Freedom from Being a People Pleaser

February 1, 2015

Pretty much all of my life I have wanted other people's approval to a degree that hasn't always led to the best decisions. Wearing acid-washed jeans and curling my bangs sky high in high school come to mind as examples.
This desire hadn't lessened when I moved to Germany as a newlywed. [...]

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You Can Trust that God's Grace is Sufficient

August 1, 2014

It's a rare privilege to see heroic openness to God's will up close. I received that blessing in the month of May. What I witnessed has made a deep mark on my heart and I haven't known how to describe the impact this particular woman has had on me. [...]

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Are They Seeing the Face of God in You?

April 1, 2014

“For I have seen your face, which is like seeing the face of God.” Genesis 33:10

While the digital age connects us like never before, there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction. No email or Facebook message can ever compete with the joy of seeing someone's face light up when you enter the room. [...]

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Why to Lean into Relationships When You Want to Pull Back

February 1, 2014

“There are those that speak a stabbing sword, but the tongue of the wise heals.” Proverbs 12:18
There's a space between words being spoken by one mouth, and those same words being received by another heart. En-route, those words often get misunderstood. This is where imaginations run wild and minds try very hard to fill in the blanks and understand. [...]

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Why We Need Jesus

July 1, 2013

Dear friends,
In my writing and speaking, I often quote other authors in order to more succinctly illustrate a point I am making. After receiving feedback from the July Positively Purposeful message, I feel it's important to say that the selection of a quote does not indicate an endorsement of everything said or written by that person. [...]

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Remain Steadfast

May 1, 2013

As I stood in the checkout line at the grocery store today, I noticed the woman behind me showing her daughter the delicious deli-prepared meals in their cart. I looked back at my two bulging shopping carts and thought ahead to the hours it was going to take me to make the meals for the week. [...]

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