Bible Studies
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Self Care through Christ
Life pulls you in so many directions, and the demands on your time and your psyche can seem overwhelming. Experience the joy and contentment that comes from knowing we have stopped striving and are rest in God's unconditional love.
Our Longings Will Be Satisfied

December 1, 2014

As we move through Advent and prepare to celebrate the arrival of our Savior, I wonder what is pulling at your heart. Is there a longing? Is there something you are wishing for? Is the biggest thing on your Christmas list impossible to wrap up in a package, [...]

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How to Look to Love When You Feel It's Hard to Find Hope

May 6, 2019

As long as I can remember, I've journaled my prayers. This is how I start my time with God each day. Some people consider journaling a form of naval-gazing. I've looked at it differently; it's the way I bring my feelings and emotions to the surface and ask God to heal and order them. [...]

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You Can Trust that God's Grace is Sufficient

August 1, 2014

It's a rare privilege to see heroic openness to God's will up close. I received that blessing in the month of May. What I witnessed has made a deep mark on my heart and I haven't known how to describe the impact this particular woman has had on me. [...]

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Make Rest Your Resolution this New Year

January 1, 2014

“A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench.” Isaiah 42:3
I sat down to write an inspirational reflection on resolutions for the new year. But within five minutes, my seven-year-old's head got slammed by a door (his sister needed PRIVACY), [...]

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Coasting on Fumes: Practicing Spiritual Discipline

March 1, 2013

A risk we all run when we love others lavishly is neglecting to take care of ourselves. What begins as a passion of the heart-a pure desire to help-can actually place us in a dangerous position where we find it hard to stay faithful. When we coast on the fumes of a life that lacks spiritual discipline, [...]

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I Choose Love Over Never Enough

February 1, 2013

For a special February treat, read these words from St. Therese of Lisieux…
I assure you that the good Lord is much kinder than you can imagine. He is satisfied with a glance, with a sigh of love…In regard to myself, I find it easy to practice perfection, [...]

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Turn to the Something New God Can Transform

January 1, 2013

I can respond to the higher number on my scale in a few different ways. One is to joyfully say, “There's just more of me to love!” Another is to puddle in a heap on the floor, cursing the woman at the coffee shop who introduced me to Eggnog Chai Lattes. I can look back and regret every time I celebrated the holidays with a tasty morsel. Or I can look forward, lace up my shoes, and get going with some better habits starting now.

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