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Hello, my friend!

If you long for a place where the mask can drop and you can be real, come on over. I'm Lisa—a wife, a mom, and the founder of Walking with Purpose, and I know like you do that life gets messy, even when we're desperately trying to do the right thing. And that's what grace is all about. We aren't enough, and just when we think that's the end of the story, Jesus shows up and fills in the gaps. You are welcome here, and we encourage you to share the content most meaningful to you.
With gratitude,
Lisa Brenninkmeyer

Founder & Chief Purpose Officer
Walking with Purpose
Lisa Brenninkmeyer
After hearing story after story of women looking for a safe place to ask questions about faith and needing ways to refuel, Lisa decided to do something to bring change. The result of her holy discontent is Walking with Purpose. Lisa is crazy about women, loves Christ passionately, and thinks the most exciting thing in the world is to connect the former with the latter. Lisa holds a bachelor's in psychology from St. Olaf College and is pursuing her master's in theology from Franciscan University. She and her husband Leo have seven children and five grandchildren and reside in St. Augustine, Florida.
Laura Phelps

Once upon a time, Laura Phelps discovered that the Bible was meant to be opened and read, and now she wants everyone to open and read their Bibles, too, because God's Word changes everything. A Catholic author, speaker, and content creator, Laura lives to share about the mess she was, the mess she still is, and the God who rescues her daily. She loves her husband and four children and buys way more books than any human could ever possibly read. Seriously. It's becoming a problem.

WWP Team
Enjoy posts from other WWP team members and guest bloggers, as they join us on our journey to a closer, deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ.
WWP Team
Enjoy posts from other WWP team members and guest bloggers, as they join us on our journey to a closer, deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ.
Caitlin Bean
Caitlin Bean is the ministry growth communication & outreach coordinator for Walking with Purpose. Through her writing, she strives to share the gift of the Catholic faith, how great our God is, and how loved you are. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and daughter. Caitlin earned a master's in theology from the University of Notre Dame. In her free time, Caitlin enjoys playing the piano, frequenting local coffee shops, baking, and spending time with family and friends.
Jeannine Yousif
Jeannine Yousif is a WWP ministry coach and content editor, as well as a volunteer coordinator for her own parish, St. Joseph in Downingtown, PA. Wife, mother of three, runner, and avid history buff, she proudly knows and sings every single line to the Broadway show, Hamilton (much to her children's deep chagrin). She believes every woman desires to be seen, known, and loved by the Creator of her soul; that every woman holds in her heart a story of redemption.
WWP Team
Enjoy posts from other WWP team members and guest bloggers, as they join us on our journey to a closer, deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ.
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