FEARLESS AND FREE ~ I declare that I am a beloved daughter of the King. ~ I declare that being a beloved daughter of the King gives me authority over the enemy. ~ I declare that God has a plan for my life. ~ I declare that His plan is for my good. ~ […]
~ I declare that I am a beloved daughter of the King. ~ I declare that being a beloved daughter of the King gives me authority over the enemy. ~ I declare that God has a plan for my life.~ I declare that His plan is for my good. ~ I declare that God […]
[…] a land where you can throw a rock and hit a church, so why i sn’t this country different? A recent poll from The Pillar, a Catholic news organization, indicated that 10% of the American population is former Catholics. And if you spend time in your local parish, it’s easy to see that 20% […]
~ I declare that I am a beloved daughter of the King. ~ I declare that being a beloved daughter of the King gives me authority over the enemy. ~ I declare that God has a plan for my life.~ I declare that His plan is for my good. ~ I declare that God […]
FEARLESS AND FREE ~ I declare that I am a beloved daughter of the King. ~ I declare that being a beloved daughter of the King gives me authority over the enemy. ~ I declare that God has a plan for my life. ~ I declare that His plan is for my good. ~ […]
~ I declare that I am a beloved daughter of the King. ~ I declare that being a beloved daughter of the King gives me authority over the enemy. ~ I declare that God has a plan for my life.~ I declare that His plan is for my good. ~ I declare that God […]
[…] else rests. We, as Catholics, have the perfect gift: the Eucharist. Jesus gave himself to us, fully present in every Catholic church and tab ernacle in the world. Reverence and awe for our faith begins with how much we allow this reality to permeate our hearts and minds. 1. Do you approach your faith […]
I thought I was going to throw up on my way to the first WWP board meeting. Reading Robert's Rules for Dummies had helped me to some degree, but a boatload of self-doubt remained. The only part of forming a nonprofit board that seemed doable and appealing to me was having a board retreat. […]
[…] R ETIO N FR O M TIM E TO TIM E . When ch anges are made, Walk in g wit h Purp ose will make a new co py of th e Term s of Use ava ila ble at th e websit e . We will als o upda te th e […]