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God wants to strengthen women to establish deep roots so they are able to bend but not break READ ARTICLE

In “Hallelujah Anyway: Discovering Good Despite Anxiety” at St. John Neumann in Annapolis, Lisa Brenninkmeyer shared how she allows herself to say “Hallelujah” in the struggle READ ARTICLE

We weren't meant to journey alone, says Lisa Brenninkmeyer at Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Catholic Women’s Conference READ ARTICLE

Catholic Star Herald: Becoming Friends Through Walking with Purpose READ ARTICLE

Anxiety can lead to growth, says Walking with Purpose founder READ ARTICLE

But the greatest of these is...less stress? Religion News Service READ ARTICLE

Happiness, Patience, and Gratefulness: Survey Shows These Three Things Abound for Women Who Partake in Bible Study READ ARTICLE

BLAZE Scholarship Program Launched at Bronx Catholic School READ ARTICLE
Regional Area Coordinator Laura White at "Come and See" event September 15, 2018, at St. Thomas More in Allentown, Pennsylvania READ ARTICLE

Lisa Brenninkmeyer, founder of Walking with Purpose, interviewed by Emily Stimpson Chapman of the National Catholic Register. “Women ‘Walking with Purpose': Evangelizing Effort for Female Hearts is Producing Good Fruit” READ ARTICLE

Women's Catholic Bible Study Founder Speaks READ ARTICLE


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